Holistic Fit 360


Personalised Programmes that are ‘Results Guaranteed’

One to One Personal Training & Wellness ‘7 week’ Programme

The magic of following your natural personal path is that it gives you the ability to follow a programme that uniquely fits with your natural body type; motivation style; lifestyle; age and gender. It takes the guess work out of knowing what is right for you.

100% Personalised Programming

There is an enormous amount of information out there on how we can become fit, healthy and productive.

Experts have vastly different opinions on how to maintain health; eat raw vs eat cooked only, vegan vs protein diet, do this kind of activity but avoid that kind of activity, and the list goes on and on.

With the enormous number of choices you have as to which path to or formula to follow, how do you work out what choices are right for you?

This generic ‘eat healthy, exercise regulary’ programming approach is neither personal nor effective.

How do you work out what path will set you on the journey to fast and sustainable health and wellness.

Holistic-Fit360 does this with you by identifying your natural path that fits with your unique body type (8 body types); motivation style; lifestyle; age and gender.  Holistic-Fit360 delves deeper to explore all components that make up your wellness.

This is the reason why they can guarantee your health and wellness results – Your ‘results guarantee’ is their ‘reputation’.

Holis✓fit 360

One to One Personal Training & Wellness Packages

Platinum (DIWY)

This is the most popular package. It takes Personalisation to an entirely different level

Gold (DIWY)

Still a custom made package but without the nutrition

Silver (DIY)

A more generic individual package without the personalisation

Holistic-Fit360 ‘Results Guaranteed’ Blueprint

Small Group "7 Week" Programme

Holistic-Fit360 runs a variety of small group sessions throughout the week. The numbers are limited to six people per group as to maintain a high level of personalisation.
Each of the small group sessions are holistic in nature and so focus on a variety of exercise modalities.

The Small Group Sessions include

An initial complimentary consultation to determine which Small group session is
best for you.

Holistic-Fit ‘Low’ Total Body

LISS (low intensity steady state) Aerobic conditioning; Flexibility, Body balance; Core conditioning; Calisthenics strength

Holistic-Fit ‘Moderate’ Total Body

Combination Conditioning: LISS (low intensity steady state) cardiovascular conditioning combined with MIIT (Moderate intensity interval training) cardiovascular conditioning; Flexibility; Body balance; Core conditioning; Calisthenics strength

Holistic-Fit ‘High’ Total Body

HIIT (High intensity interval training) cardiovascular conditioning; Flexibility; Body balance; Core conditioning; Calisthenics strength