Holistic Fit 360

Custom - Made - Results

Holistic-Fit360 does things differently, so that authenticity, transparency, personalisation, expertise and trust are at the forefront of their personal training and wellness programmes, ensuring you receive the holistic health and wellness results you deserve.

By adopting a 100% personalised ‘holistic’ framework they take the guesswork out of knowing what is right for you: one size does not fit all!

Holistic-Fit360 takes personalisation to the next level by finding the ‘natural’ programme fit for you. This is directly related to your unique body type; your motivation style; your lifestyle; your age and gender.

This is the only way you can be guaranteed sustainable Holistic health and wellness results – Your ‘results guarantee’ is their ‘reputation’.

Holistic-fit360 delivers its programmes from the company headquarters in Dunedin.

Gary Dawkins

Holistic Fit Founder

Personal Training & Wellness Coaching

Holistic-Fit360 extracts the components that comprise the ‘whole’, conducts a full analysis of each and proceeds to personalise them 100% to match your natural body type; lifestyle; motivation style; age and gender. Guaranteed fast and sustainable holistic results are achieved by the synergetic effect created by consolidating your Cardiovascular, Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Coordination, Sleep, Mental and Nutritional systems into one unique 100% personalised wellness programme.

Finding your natural and personal path to wellbeing is the only ‘real’ possible way to achieve free flowing synergy between body, mind and soul. This is the only way to fast and sustainable holistic wellness.

Fast and sustained weight loss; glowing skin; high daily energy levels; stronger immunity; elimination of some chronic aches and pains; prevention of some future aches and pains; a more supple, stable and coordinated body; stronger emotional wellbeing; reduced stress levels; and a revitalised you, are all by products of Holistic-Fit360 programmes.